Sunday 27 September 2009

15.11 dreamscape

Paid! Made!

He hands you your wage – says he not sure when or if it’ll even happen, but when it does, just go with it.

Just think of the money, he says, just think of your family.

Death market.

It’s a big boat – we’re herded like flies are herded by a storm.


Susie – smash – brain and bone from the 25th floor & down down down – boom! Splat! Millionaire.

Wood chipper – piece of old gristle – grinding the cranium loose from a 52 year old. Rich rich. His daughter can finally buy herself one of those bags all the celebrities have.

Six-oblit(erated) in one – menagerie of forced fate – elevator shaft droppin fast. Blast. Boom - cut em loose! Dropped like a glass from the hand of a drunk.

The solution was simple, really.

Jump off!! Escape!! Abandon ship!!

Men flailed and sank into the deep, blank depths of the ocean. Pulled under by the ships motor like a pined for lover – human dandelion ‘gainst the ships blades.

I decide not to do that.

Walk out the back route.

Call for a taxi.

Obvious really.

Said, ‘fuck this…you can stick your money…’

And me - the only survivor!

...and poor, so fucking poor.

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